
Self-assertive, discarding negative thoughts and do good. Anxiety only belongs to those who are desperate ....!!

If God created the rainbow skies heed tuk, tuk friend then God created the beauty of life.

Life is full of forgiveness is a way for the spaciousness and peace of soul.

Forgive yourself. Do not regret the error. Sorry that treat heart and reconcile themselves.

The most difficult thing is self-defeating. But it can you begin to forgive ourselves.

My prayer today: Lord, forgive me if often complain. Guide me to always be grateful for mercy.

Sometimes, one's way is actually not needed, whereas it needs can not be owned. But God, who knows what's best.

Friend, not about who you know who has long, but about who approached whom your life and never leave you.

As difficult as any problem that we face, he must be resolved, not avoided.

When my best hope tp miles miles just got banality, thank miles instead of the worst.

Do not waste your time by doing a thing unnecessary. Focus on who makes you grow to be better.

Never giving up on the thing you think is right though it looks impossible. As long as there's a will, God's given street.

True love does not come just like that. Many processes that must be passed along, suffering, crying, and laughing together.

The greatest happiness in this life is the conviction that we are loved by the people we love.

Maybe km did not realize it, tp the small plg reply miles do can bring very big impact for another org.

Do not compare yourself with others. Jealousy only makes the soul restless. Be yourself.

Miss someone that does not mean need it back in your life. "Yearning" is the process of "progress". Keep going!

Of good things, I learned to give thanks. From bad things, I learned to be strong.

Do not be afraid to try, the error is the best teacher if you are honest to admit and learn from it.

Do not ever think you're not good enough, because for someone, you are the best.

In love, if you seek it, he will avoid you, tp if you become someone who deserves be loved, he will surround you.

In life, prepare yourself as possible, and rather than wait for the opportunity comes, you better create it.

Time passed, learn from the past, be prepared tuk future, give my best for today.

Do not be too dependent pd others, even sahabatpun will not always be there for you. Be SELF-personal.

Friend is someone who always makes your heart happy. Friend always makes life much more enjoyable.

When you feel your opinion was heard, know that you are learning about how to APPRECIATE.

Honest with yourself, always follow what your heart so that you do not have to hide anything in this life.

Stay as you are within the world who never stopped trying tuk you change yourself is the greatest accomplishment.

Crocodiles can not stick out its tongue.

Chickens will shed their coats when he feels stressed.

Do not ever jealous of what others have. Each person has his own problems. Be thankful for this life.

Speak with your heart, because what comes from the heart to get to the heart.

The problem is not going to be tricky if you could respond with patience and with broad-mindedness.

Rise of grief, because grief is a process that must be traversed to get to happiness .. Believe it!

Smile at the start the day, because it indicates that you are ready to face the day with gusto!

With passion, you certainly can. Be excited by heart, so that you keep the spirit of the road of truth.

My prayer today: Lord, make me a little is to be meaningful for others, so that Your glory is always resounding.

Every act of a happy fellow is an attitude that reflects a noble person.

It would be wonderful if every minute that we spend to be meaningful. Means for other people yourself.

True friend to give time when laughter is present, or where they have tears flowing.

True love is not who try to change you, tp colorable accept you & grow up together dgnmu.

As long as you believe, no reply was possible. Confidence! You're better than who you think.

In life, do not have the fear of him who hates you, but you must be careful to friends who pretend to hug you.

Do not reply to those who hate you. Smile & be happy in front of them, no one who hurt them more than that.

Happiness does not belong to him who good at everything, but he who can find simple things within their lives and remain grateful.

Sometimes, it's better in, not because you are wrong, but because of the beat, you do not lose him who you love.

Happy and choose their own way of life is something you should be aware of. Do not let anyone who define it for you.

Do not permainkan someone's feelings. If indeed there is no sense, it is better to be honest. Do not be a reason someone gets hurt.

Ignore those who try jatuhkanmu. Because they would lose by itself when seen still standing.

In life, you're entitled to be happy. Therefore, do not let other people bahagiamu determined. There must be happy within yourself.

No matter how hard you try, you can never deny what you feel.

If you are precious in the eyes of someone, there's no reason for him to find a tuk who better than you.

Many things can bring you down. But the only thing that can really bring you down is your own attitude.

When a relationship ends, bkn means 2 org stop loving each other. They hny stop hurting each other.

A very small thing can cause a very big problem. Never underestimate the little things.

When talking about other org you can just add the spices, but make sure the spices fine day.

Sometimes, the difficulty should you feel first before coming to the perfect happiness.

Do not complain about the bad stuff that comes in your life. God never gave it, ye who let it come.

Never give up when you still want to try. Do not let regret coming because you're one step away from winning tuk.

Do not let anyone stop you tuk chase your dreams. Keep fighting, and believe me, all will be beautiful in its time.

My prayer today: Lord, keep my heart that I could love. Hopefully I can help those who need me.

Every human being must never do anything wrong, but as long as you let go of the past, you will have a bright future.

The biggest problem women adl remember too much, the biggest problem men adl sdgkn forget too quickly.

Within love, do not lie just because you do not want him hurt. Because when she discovered the truth, he will suffer more.

A relationship ends, because one heart too little love, and or too much.

Just be yourself. Org will like you the way. Although some hate for the same reason, does not mean you changed hrs.

They do not care where you start. They look at how you end it.

Loving someone means making it part of yourself. That's why going to hurt when his loss.

Love is not just about: "I'm very lucky to have you", but also: "You're very lucky to have me".

Sometimes no matter how much you love someone, you should take it off. He who is always in your heart but not in life.

If someone special in your heart who can not love you when you be yourself, then he's not special.

Sometimes it feels pessimistic, but raise with you guys imagine the euphoria who later achieved

Do not even think would never be able mendaptkan him, reaching for ideals, and all things do you want

Tired? give up? Though success is in sight

Try to keep do not give up as if going tomorrow you will get happiness beyond measure

Cheer up because you know tomorrow will be your success

You never know success if it had never tried and just gave up

Dreaming that you want and pursue dreams that

Learning was exhausting, but the more tired one day later if not currently studying

Life is full of color, we have to try to fill tuk life colorful bright

Successful people never complain how about going to fail, but trying how to succeed

do your best and you will be able to best results as well

success is full of challenges, failed once or twice it's normal, remain consistent with our dreams

Confront the problem tnpa problem so the problem does not mnjadi treatise spanjang mistake on this trip

Hold your grasp of the earth Prev earth, earth Prev pijaklah you trample the earth, then this life Prev perjuangkanlah you enter the bowels of the earth.

ran as fast as possible, the target is realized, who has been noticeable for a better life

open your eyes and your hearts, to live one this time wisely make use of

True religion is a life full of life; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness & virtue

Time is the test of justice those guilty

Try not to become a man of success but try to be a useful human

If the world stopover, why do not we banyakkan bekalan to continue the journey? Because we only have one stopover

DLH intention to assess the size of a point within an act, if the intention is true then the act is true & if bad intentions, then it's bad deeds

Do not be afraid to take a big step when mmg is required, you can not jump a chasm, with two small jumps

Money is a very good servant but a terrible master

Time is the test of justice those guilty

When faced with adversity, some people grow wings, while others are looking for a crutch

Knowledge is not enough: we must practice it. Intention is not enough: we must do

Someone who saw the goodness within a variety of things means having a mind good. And who has a mind either getting enjoyment of life

Patience has two sides, one side is the patient, the other side is grateful to the Lord

Will regret the day yesterday, and the fear of tomorrow are the two thieves who take joy today

Everyone is trying to achieve a great thing, without realizing, that life is a collection of small things

The smallest seeds of trust is still better than the largest fruit of happiness

Sometimes, you have to give up to get what you want to get a better purpose

You can not lose something you never had

If you want something you never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done

We forget our dreams because of fear of failure within reach or even the worst we fear because it will successfully achieve

Every story always had the final. But in the life of an end is just a new beginning

Concerns such as rocking chairs. Give you something to do but do not take you anywhere

Love is like the wind, you can not see but can feel it.

Everyone has bad moments. But do we have to forget all the good moments because of it?

The brain may take advice, but not the heart, and love, has no geography, knows no bounds.

With courage we'll try harder than without courage. Without the efforts we will be able to ngk purpose at all

If you have never dared to get lost, then you will never find a new path

Learn to think big, but the practice to be happy with little things

Let live worship, though not commendable

People who are careful not to drink the poison, although it had the antidote

Many people fail because of too believe in the success of the first business

We pray that the distress and in need of something, we should also pray in great excitement, and when abundant sustenance

If kmu want CONGRATULATIONS on the fight today, kmu be SURE of yourself

Many people in the world who watch too much health, so they do not have time to enjoy it

The more you understand more about the world around you, the more passionate & curious about the reality of life in your life

Curiosity is the beginning of an adventure

Badness not to be repaired but eliminated, while the shortage is not to be eliminated but to be repaired

Us show what we often do. So, the good is not an act but a habit

A leader is able to survive long because kata2nya valuable and can be held

Poverty should not be made into tools of livelihood for lazy people

Gold is tested by fire, women were tested with gold and examined with a woman man

Did you know your life purpose? Clarify your life purpose, then it will clear your destiny

PRAISE presented to the people around you are your initial investment HAPPINESS

one feature of intelligent people are able to capitalize on her dream to become a more useful thing for someone else

The best person I like is he who shows fault

In the women's head there is a shortage, but in their hearts there is an excess

In praise is far more danger than in the verbal, because praise will lead to hypocrisy

Behind every successful man there is always a remarkable woman who

True friends are like two hands, one to clean the other.

Remember that kmu may be known from what kmu make, but it will only be loved kmu of what kmu give

Be forgiving person, it should never be a person who is always on pardon

If we are afraid to fail, it means we have limited our ability

We love se2orang Because he's not perfect, but to learn & understand each other and complement our imperfections.

Property will be used up without science, but otherwise science will evolve if it is used

Love and trust will eliminate the worry, anxiety and restlessness in life

The harder you work the more you give it is difficult

Let your imagination continue to move forward, but until akhlakmu jgn move backwards through your faith fading

Do not look for friends who make you feel comfortable, but look for friends who force you to continue to grow

Greatest tragedy in life is the death of a person who actually still alive

Life is a long lesson in humility

Immediately doing good, BUT do not rush to see the results. Perform with consistent

The opportunity is always there. Let kailmu kept idle in the pool who you least expect, often the fish are there

Never assume a perfect inspiration that his heart has not you know

Better in hate but to be yourself, than in the like but to be someone else

The price of a big success is the responsibility

10 Thousand Mile Walk can we accomplish if we dare to start a first step

If you can dream it, then you can do

Ikhlaslah be yourself that life is full of peace and security

a person's greatness is not measured by strength, but measured by how he stood at attention every time he fell

The most important thing in life is not victory but how to compete well

Before we complain about the taste of food, fikirkanlah about someone who does not have anything to eat

You do not have to be experts at doing something. Since you will build the expertise it from doing so

Fear will limit you to do various things in great means to you

Avoid limiting yourself kmu, pikiran2 kmu, or mimpi2 kmu, because, what we do tomorrow unthinkable today

One thing most often committed by someone who is doing the best he can do

You can not dream yourself into someone, you have to forge and establish yourself as what you desire

Hal2 difficult to bring in experience, and experience brings wisdom

Ambition byk encourage people to be wrong; make only one who thought locked in the chest, the other thought is ready on the tongue

If we do hal2 who are capable of doing, we will be amazed at ourselves

Best friend: he is answerable to sit with you without saying a word, then left with the feeling tlah kmu long conversation with him

Do not worry too much about your confidence. Worry about your character. Integrity is the return

The value of a success: dedication, hard work and dedication on hal2 who want you to accomplish.

Reflect for a minute, could save your life for one day

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win

Pleading prayer to God is like the ocean that can reach every corner of the beach purposes of human life

Se2orang attracted to successful hrs learn to see failure as something healthy, it was inevitable from the off-peak into the process

Five essential entrepreneurial skills for success is concentration, discrimination (ability to distinguish), organization, innovation and communication

Look at everything from glasses other org. If it hurts your heart, so maybe it was another painful day too org

Jgn afraid to admit that we are imperfect. It is this imperfection is a delicate embroidery thread to bind us to each other

Jgn quantify one's wisdom just because cleverness to speak but also need to be assessed thoughts and behavior of fruit

Seorgpun not perfect. Who want to learn from mistakes is wise. Sad to see the org insists that they are right even if proven wrong

Do not tell me .. Oh God .. I have a big problem but say Hi .. The problem I have God Almighty

Brilliance is the result rather than the attitude that want to do their best sentiasa

Evaluating what we do & smua our achievements. Regardless of the outcome will mjd strong foundation for our lives a better future

Genius is a person able to make a simple thing complicated

Your success is determined by your own destiny and God Almighty. Not by others

Recipe for success adlh another org to learn while sleeping, working as malas2an other org, Get ready to play when other org

Human life is no limit. Limitation that it can make the se2eorang fight in his life. Ttp smangat my friend ..:

No matter who is not a solution. Kmu morbidly kmu learn about themselves through success. Kmu learn through failure & error

Org2 happiest morbidly who always has the best hal2, they just make my best of every thing within his present

There saat2 kmu sgt miss living within se2org, to want to pick up from dreams & hug them. Moga kmu org dream like it

Facing changes within the human & to be superior to any one road hrs we do, always to improve myself constantly

The secret of life is the triumph of the human stock to welcome the opportunity reincarnate

Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul

Jgn measure yourself with what you have accomplished, but the thing that you should accomplish with your ability

Indeed time is life & life is to go through time. The extent to which kmu appreciate the time, to the extent that kmu appreciate life kmu

Winter was definitely cool for those who do not have warm memories

They say when you find love in your life, time stops, and it's true.

Life is short. No time to leave important words unsaid.

Every story always had the final. But in the life of an end is just a new beginning

It's beautiful if you have a good idea, but it will be a beautiful gift to have a good heart

People are people. Sometimes they can not see his own faults.

There are heroes and legends. Hero is always remembered, but legends never die.

Smile, he adds value to your face.

This is life, not heaven. You do not have to be perfect.

Barriers is daunting hal2 who you see when you close your eyes from the goal.

The smallest seeds of trust is still better than the largest fruit of happiness

Vision without execution is daydreaming, execution without vision is a nightmare

Do not let anyone make you feel do not deserve to get what you want

Sorry did not speak much better than sorry speech.

Beauty is only skin deep, but entered into the bone

Calculating the crazies in a country is more difficult than counting the people who have sense

If you can afford, become community leaders. And if not, be a leader for themselves

We need each other to forgive and then forget what we have been forgiven

Beginning of their studies, silent. 2nd reply, hear the ding-dong. 3rd reply, schools & memorized. Yg 4th, practice it, who 5th, disseminate.

Humans are not designed to fail, but the man who failed to design

Success runs from one failure to another, but if we do not lose heart

Blom had some interesting not live within. In a reply within view most geeky skalipun, no drama, comedy & tragedy.

Ikhlaslah be yourself that life is full of peace and security

Everything starts with a sense of anger, will end up with a sense of shame

In a matter of conscience, the first thought was the best. In the matter of wisdom, who thought the best latter

Heart full of gratitude not only the greatest virtue, but is the mother of all other virtues

Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have achieved

Death is not the greatest loss in life. Greatest loss is what dies in the hearts while we are alive

Experience is not what happens to you, but what you do for what happens to you

Some people say that opportunity only comes once, it is untruthful. The opportunity was always there, but you must be prepared to respond

Do not hesitate to reach out to you. But, do not also reluctant to shake hands with other people who come to you

The most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery. Mystery is the source of all true art and all science

Failure is the only chance to start again with a more clever

Better to keep your mouth shut ttp & let others assume you are stupid, than open mouth & confirm all the assumptions they

Live like a bushy tree fruit, living on the edge of the road and pelted with stones, but responded with fruit

Nature gave us one tongue, but gave us two ears, so we heard two times more than talking

Something that has not been done, often seems impossible, we just believe that we are doing well

We see it sperti rainbow happiness, never to be above our own heads, but always at the head of another person

Your chances for success in any condition can always be measured by how much your confidence in yourself

We do not know how the day tomorrow, we can do is do his best and be happy today

There are no secrets to reach success. Because success is retrievable place of preparation, hard work & willing to learn from failure

God grant you his face, but we must give expression

Orang2 who criticize us in essence is the guardian of our souls, who worked without pay

When talking fashion, swim with the flow. When speaking of principles, such as rocks tegarlah

Three human nature is pernicious: miser who followed, who followed the passions, and self-admiring nature superfluous

People who are extraordinary simple in speech, but great in action

People who are most unhappy are those who most fear change

Believe in miracles, but do not depend on it

If you have trouble, remember to save patience

Person who is considered high bercita2 rebuke him more gently than the flattery of a sycophant superfluous tunable

Success often comes to those who dare to act, & coward who seldom approached fainthearted take the consequences.

Byk people had big plans but ill come true. Because so byk people who had big plans but failed to deliver on their small janji2.

Blind fanaticism to cover the evidence of truth

Life was beautiful but beautiful selalunya it remains alive in the memories

If people need a friend, he will take every person who mahu help him, about who it is, it does not matter

Everyone was thinking to change the world and no one thought of changing himself.

Indeed we can not change the world, but do not let the world change us:)

sometimes life is hard, but with our hearts live with roomy and business trus smuanya will trasa light:)

We can not build a future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future

A true and loyal friend is worth more than all the gold in the world.

The secret to succeeding is to respect others

People who know themselves to have lied, he would not believe the people who are honest.

Jgn never make important decisions when you feel scared, depressed, stressed, tired, or too excited

Do not forget kebaikan2 small and do not remember small faults

Do not care who gave it, if it is good advice

Without thinking of the many who plan detil2nya will not be done, let alone produce anything until a satisfactory

Why do we often fail? Because we are always too many plans and too little thinking.

If kmu think about the day yesterday with no remorse & tomorrow without fear, brarti kmu sdh are on the correct path to success

If you want to know the nature of man, give him the authority

Do not give food to others what you yourself do not like to eat

Far better to keep a friend from falling than to help him get up after he fell

Do not expect a shortcut to get long-lasting success

Do not despise small things because it's a small needle kadang2 shed blood

Genius is a combination of 1% idea and 99% hard work.

Broken hearts suppose crooked iron tapped despite difficult return to original form

A CHALLENGE and the forging of course makes you a stronger

Never destroy your dreams with a business that is only done half-heartedly

Learning will not mean anything, until there is change in behavior

Jgn regret who's gone, do not cry-me-not, but arose & bina tlah back what is lost & gone

If you help a friend who is in trouble, he will never forget you if he is in trouble again

Peace can not be maintained by force. It can only be achieved by understanding

To be successful, you decide the right nail hrs what you want, write & create a plan to achieve

Even if the road was long, we'll slowly forging

Never underestimate the things we are doing good though just a smile

If you are not yet ripe for criticism, you are too young to be commended

God gave the exam in the form of failure and loss to us to teach us wisdom

Friend is he who knows shortcomings, but showed strong suit. He who knows your fears, but showed courage.

When a state requires you to cry, do not pretend, cry. Not every tear means weak.

Those who continues to live filled with hardness of heart will bring into the life that is not prospering.

Jgn count brp times org hurt & leave you, tp brp time you hurt morbidly prnh Lord & He left

Companions are those who know all the shortcomings, but still choose to be with you when everyone else is leaving.

No matter who who heartbreak for you or how long it needs tuk healed, you will not get through it without a friend!

Friend is he who has learned what he had when with you, not him who realized who you were after her loss.

When you respond with anger & hatred invective, that's when your enemy to win.

Do not ever hurt your friend, because friends are the way God shows that He does not want you to live life alone.

People present in your life for a reason. They give you a happy and disappointed. Some moment, but some forever, your friend.

Friend, not those who are up to you when needed, but those who stay with you when the whole world away.

Companions are those who know that there is sadness in your eyes when the whole world to believe with a smile on your face.

Grieving with the right person is better than happy with the culprit. Bijaklah within select companions.

Nothing is perfect, sahabatpun've done wrong, but you always find an excuse tuk forgive them.

The beauty of friendship is when we give not expecting anything in return. There was laughter when in grief.

Companions are like STARS, he does not always visible, but you know he's always been there.

Not expect to hurt you, but that's no reason to regret self-tuk. Remember, friends are always there for you.

Know your friend beside you. Friend is one who held out his arms when you fall.

Companions are those who are able to remove the ability of existing best in you. Those who always give you the spirit.


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